Bpm to delay time chart
Bpm to delay time chart

bpm to delay time chart

Predelay is 15ms, reverb time is 585ms, and total reverb time including predelay is 600ms. I would now subtract 15 from 600 resulting in 585. You got 15ms from taking 600ms derived from your delay calculator and divide by 40 or you notice that 1/16 note is 150ms and reduce by a factor of 10. You decide to apply this to a reverb, and use a predelay of 15ms. I also suggest using the time calculated from the delay calculator to be used as the entire time… Say you use the delay calculator and calculate a time of 600ms from a BPM of 100. Try applying 3 different times from the delay calculator to a LCR delay. I like to mix and match sometimes triplets with regular note times, sometimes using reverb for one and delay for the other. Use the delay calculator to make a subtle delay mixed just under a reverb (using a delay calculator derived time). Some people also use it to time their percussion instruments to begin and end (ring out) in time with their song. Delay Time calculator can be used to sync your reverb and delay times to the tempo of your song.

Bpm to delay time chart